
It takes about 30 minutes from Marpha. There is a Tibetan refugee camp where more than 200 Tibetans live. A Nyingma-Pa Kagyutpa sect monastery called Chhairo Gompa is close to the camp. This monastery is considered as the most important holy monastery of Buddhist. Chhairo Gompa is said to have been founded by Tibetan Lama named Kusyo Chhiwang Thilen in early 19th century. The monastery depicts images of Shakyamuni flanked on either side by two of his disciples, Ananda and Sariputra and an idol of the founder, Kusyo Chhiwang Thilen. Huge image of Guru Rimpoche (Padmasambhava) is placed in the next room. The frescoes of Chhairo Gompa are the oldest existing works of the Thak Khola region.
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